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University of North Dakota Student Housing Strategic Plan

Grand Forks, ND

On-campus housing is a vital resource to support the recruitment, transition, personal growth and development, and retention of undergraduate and graduate students. The University of North Dakota was seeking a strategic plan for the residence halls located west of the English Coulee on campus. ICON partnered with KWK Architects to research and assess the existing residence halls and determine a master plan for the future of on campus student housing.

As part of the process, to help the University better understand its needs, ICON and KWK conducted several interviews of students and faculty regarding the existing conditions of the residence halls, the off-campus apartment/housing options, and the advantages and disadvantages of the various configurations of each residence hall on campus. The team also completed existing facilities building reports that assessed all aspects of the current building inventory, including exterior and interior building conditions, ADA accessibility, mechanical and electrical systems, and building life safety systems such as fire alarms and building sprinklers. Each building was given a grade based upon these criteria and ranked to help the University decide whether to renovate the building or classify it as one that should be demolished and rebuilt.

The strategic plan outlines future student housing renovations and development on campus that align with the overall campus master plan. It helps create a supportive and cohesive student community by integrating the housing program with other aspects of campus life.

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